Evert Santegoeds gets on well with Mopjes: ‘Noa is great!’

It is becoming a bit of a sport among the stars of Talpa, and in particular those of Shownieuws: who can cheer the loudest about Noa Vahle? The winner is Evert Santegoeds.

© Privé, Shownieuws

It is very popular among Talpa stars to praise Noa Vahle, the boss’s niece. What a natural talent she is. How wonderful she did it in Qatar. And how well she can reply to the men of Today Inside. Would she also have been acclaimed if her mother had not been Linda de Mol? Probably not.

Queen in training

Evert Santegoeds currently holds the lead. His adulation of Noa is unbeatable. He put her on the cover of the latest Privé. “NOA VAHLE has everything… a boyfriend too!”

The magazine contains a this-and-thats piece full of old quotes. The conclusion? Everyone thinks Noa is great and she is already a phenomenon. And rightly so, says Evert in a video on the Telegraaf site. “The new TV queen in training, you could say. Everyone is full of praise for Noa Vahle. She really has everything, even a boyfriend. Let’s see. His name is Tim.”

Noah on the cover

huh? Noa has a boyfriend and Evert is showing that now? This is news from a year ago. It is logical that a magazine occasionally lags behind due to the printing process, but this of course beats everything.

What else can we expect from that piece? “The whole story of their love and of Noa Vahle, who she actually is, when she started and what we can expect, we read this week in the first story about Noa Vahle. Well, how happy she will be to be on our cover for the first time.”

Deep bow

Telegraaf presenter Wilson Boldewijn acts as if he is impressed. “She made a debut at Privé. A deep bow for that.”

Previously, Wilson turned out to be a Noa critic. According to him, Noa’s adulation goes a bit far, he said at the time. “Yes, I like it, but isn’t it being exaggerated because she is young and a woman and the daughter of Linda de Mol?”
