Evert Santegoeds gets no money to glorify John de Mol

Contrary to what some people think, Evert Santegoeds does not get money to glorify John de Mol and his TV formats. That is what the Privé editor-in-chief says in the podcast Strictly Private.

© SBS 6

The stars of Shownieuws, with Evert Santegoeds in the lead, are regularly accused of sitting at their desks jubilant about John de Mol and all his failed TV formats. The Private boss caused hilarity among critics by praising the bad TV show Avastars to the skies: “It’s really brilliantly done!”

Ever pissed off

It really bothers Evert that everyone is so negative about Avastars, but in the meantime the Private boss is being taunted for his obviously subjective attitude towards the work of his own employer John. “Ah, it’s Evert”, sneered AD media journalist Marcus den Blanken, for example. A scathing comment.

Evert, however, stands by his opinion. He repeats in the podcast Strictly Private that he doesn’t like John being criticized like this. “Returning to all the criticism this week… I thought it was pretty intense how that program was butchered.”

“It’s his money!”

We should spare John a bit, says Evert. “It is a pity that it did not turn out, not even technically, as many people had imagined, including I think John de Mol himself. But yes, that man does that with his own money. So I don’t understand that fanatical criticism.”

The magazine maker continues: “He makes that, he thought it would be a great success and that turns out to be something else and then we’re all going to hack into it. Yes, I have said earlier this week what I think about that.”

Bag of money

Co-host Jordi Versteegden then asks Evert if he will receive money to carry out propaganda for John. “Isn’t it the case that you get an extra bag of money from John de Mol if you are positive about his programs? That is not true, what is written?”

Evert: “No, that wouldn’t be the best, no. I do get paid by John de Mol, but I make a program for that and we keep that nicely separated.”

Jordi: “Great, that’s all clear again.”

Strictly Private

You can listen to the ever-entertaining podcast Strictly Private below:
