Evert Santegoeds and Rob Goossens demolish Özcan: ‘Backstabber!’

Evert Santegoeds and Rob Goossens make mincemeat of Özcan Akyol after his performance on Today Inside, where he claimed in an unconvincing manner that the Matthijs howler film really exists.


It is all very strange: Özcan Akyol claims that a video showing Matthijs van Nieuwkerk seriously misbehaving is circulating en masse in Hilversum, but no one else has seen the images. The presenter insisted yesterday in Today Inside that the video exists, but cannot explain why he is the only one who has seen it.

Rob skeptical

RTL Boulevard star Rob Goossens thinks this is harmful to Eus’ image, he writes X. “Very curious: are there people who, after this episode of Today Inside, still think that Eus’s video really exists?”

Media critic Victor Vlam: “Not a strong performance indeed. On the one hand, the video was not that special according to him, but on the other hand, it has completely changed his opinion about Matthijs.”

‘That’s not right!’

Rob agrees with Victor. “Yes, that is not true at all. And he continues to insist that the video comes from those app groups. But people there didn’t know there was a video at all, so that’s not possible.”

He continues: “Anyway, if he insists long enough that the video really exists, he will be able to produce it himself with AI in three years. And to think that I already admire his perseverance.”

Victor: “Hahaha.”


Private boss Evert Santegoeds is already very tough. He says in the podcast Strictly Private: “The backstabber and the fallen presenter! Yes, that Eus must gradually shut up and become ashamed of his turn and all those strange stories he spreads about a film that is not there and that no one has seen.”

Except Eus. “And he finally slaughtered Matthijs with that. And not only that, because that man is so whacky. I would have totally done it too. ‘Bagger’ is what we do in our magazine. Well, I wonder when he’ll read that.”


Does Özcan even read the Privé? “Well, not at the dentist anyway, it seems,” Evert sneers. “I also think: you’ve never seen the magazine at all, man. Moreover: you were recently in it with a major interview! And now this… He doesn’t know at all.”

Evert feels offended by Özcan. “He lumps everything together: juice channels with Privé, which contain wonderful interviews and a medical section that is widely read. He then throws it all together and then puts us in a corner with rubbish.”


Eus himself is a bad guy, Evert snorts. “Well, crap is just dropping a friend like this, without any indication that the video actually exists. He really should have done that very differently.”

He concludes: “For me, Eus is completely ready. Exit 23.”
