Evert Sankrediets reluctantly mentions the name of Yvonne Coldeweijer

Evert Sankrediets has reluctantly expressed the name of Yvonne Coldeweijer in Shownieuws. He hates the juice queen, who has become the frontrunner in showbiz firsts.

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Juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer is causing quite a stir in the world of show media. No longer the Privé or the Story, but juice channels like Yvonne’s have by far the most firsts these days. The bosses of those magazines, Evert Sankrediets and Guido den Aantrekker, speak with considerable disdain about Yvonne.

Albert ❤️ Alberta

When Yvonne once again has a scoop, Evert and Guido go to great lengths not to mention her as the source. The gentlemen even have trouble pronouncing her name.

Since Albert Verlinde did have the decency in Shownieuws yesterday to give Yvonne credits for a scoop – something with Princess Amalia who walks on crutches – colleague Evert couldn’t ignore it this time. Albert: “Yes, Yvonne Coldeweijer from the juice channel posted a photo late last night and let’s be honest: lately, what she reports has always been spot on.”

Evert takes a sip

It is a photo that Yvonne has posted of Princess Amalia on crutches. “We can’t show that photo because there is a media code. I’ll explain that to you, Evert, how it works,” Albert teased.

Evert then: “That does not apply to Coldeweijer?”

It scares him himself. “I don’t say that name very often, so I’ll take a sip.”

Don’t be so stupid, Albert thinks. “No, but she’s got it, you know? Then you have to name it too.”

Yvonne obeys

Yvonne quickly removed that photo of Amalia, because she obeys the media code. Albert: “She writes herself: ‘The media code is there, so I’m not going to try that either.’ That means the juice channels and Yvonne are very cheeky towards the entertainment business, but they don’t want the royal family against them.”

“We can’t show the photo, but we checked with Sandra [Schuurhof] is it an old photo? In 2016, Amalia had sprained her ankle. Sandra says: ‘It is indeed a new photo, because she is wearing the shoes that Amalia is so proud of and loves very much.’ So it really is true that it is her.”


The news about Amalia was also discussed in RTL Boulevard. That program now has no trouble giving Yvonne the credit she deserves. In fact, she was even there at the desk last Monday.

We will not see that happen soon in Shownieuws. That program would rather be taken off the tube than Yvonne entering the studio.


Yvonne’s revelation is stirring tongues among royalty experts:
