Evert Sankrediets attacked by Story after Marco Borsato blunder

Evert Sanwaarden and Guido den Aantrekker fight each other out of the kiosk again. The boss of Story thinks that his colleague from Privé does not have his facts in order. “He is misinformed!”

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For years there has been a kind of cold war between Private boss Evert Sankrediets and Story boss Guido den Aantrekker. In mid-2019 Guido was furious about scoops that Evert would constantly steal from him and in 2020 he said that the Privé has become a bad magazine: “It seems that Evert no longer feels like it. The spunk is gone.”

Evert-Guido War

Guido does not shy away from scathing about Privé in the media. “I just saw his cover again and I think: yes, bad cover. We really do that a bit better,” it sounds then.

But Evert can also do something about it. When a candidate of the miniature show Klein Maar Fijn made a miniature version of the Story eighteen months ago, Evert reacted with surprise. “That’s already a small leaf, isn’t it?”

And so it goes on. Then Evert shouts again that Guido never has firsts and then Guido accuses Evert of jealousy again. Two months ago Evert Guido mentioned another sore loser.

Borsato blunder

Now it’s Guido’s turn. He finds it laughable that Evert said two weeks ago that Marco Borsato went on a motorcycle holiday to Italy alone. The news was soon debunked by Yvonne Coldeweijer, who spoke of fake news. “Stalko is really just in the Netherlands ?.”

Guido’s magazine Story now gives Evert a kick. “Not in Italy, as apparently ill-informed media claimed with dry eyes, but in the vicinity of his penthouse in the center of Alkmaar, Marco Borsato (…) could be found on his motorcycle.”

‘No idea!’

Evert is also wrong in the Hazes file, Guido believes. According to Evert, André Hazes Jr. and Monique Westenberg are planning a marriage and André threatens to break contact with his mother Rachel if she continues to criticize Monique. “André has made it clear that he has made a choice.”

Guido finds it laughable. “Haha, it’s still great when the ‘competition’ really has no idea of ​​what it really is. Keep it up, I would say ?”, he tweeted.

Does he have any tips for Evert’s readers? “Just read Story every week – that’s all you need to know ?.”
