The walking shoes can be taken out of the closet again: after three years of postponement, an Evening 4 Days is being organized in Assen again. Some four thousand runners will start at the velodrome tonight, hoping to reach the finish line on Friday with a medal and flowers, but without blisters.
“It’s beautiful walking weather”, organizer Marc Mobach is looking forward to the four-day hike in and around Assen. This morning he is still busy with the final preparations for what now appears to be a sun-drenched edition.
Anyone who sees the runners pass during the evening hours will probably think that the evening four-day event is more popular than ever. But nothing could be further from the truth, explains Mobach. “There is a small decrease in the number of participants”, he suspects that corona is an important cause.
“At the last edition in 2019 we still had 5,400 participants. We are taking a step back,” the organizer admits. “But that shouldn’t spoil the fun,” he adds.
The last three editions of the Asser Evening 4Daagse have been canceled due to corona measures or the fear of them. Walking enthusiasts could participate in an alternative four-day event via an app and receive a walking diploma or medal.