even more dirt to come about ‘mafia carrier pigeon’ Khalid Kasem

It really seems like it will never end for ‘mafia carrier pigeon’ Khalid Kasem: the AD tape tigers hint that there is even more to come. “Busy!”


Who on earth have they let loose all these years on the eve of NPO 1? Things are getting crazier with Khalid Kasem, also known as ‘sweetheart’ and ‘darling’ at his former TV editorial office of Khalid & Sophie. Peter R. de Vries screwed him terribly by making secret recordings, and now that they have been leaked, we find out who Khalid really is.

More tapes

Yelle Tieleman and Chiel Timmermans, the tape tigers of the AD, have been having fun with Peter’s audio tapes for months now. First they revealed that Khalid then says that he bribed an official and now they have published an article that, according to experts, shows that he was some kind of mafia carrier pigeon.

Unbelievable: if Matthijs van Nieuwkerk has to go into exile in Paris, then we can give Khalid a one-way ticket to Alcatraz in the meantime. And we haven’t even finished everything yet. “You have now created two articles. You have even more tapes,” Humberto Tan said last night talk show against the newspaper duo.

‘We are busy’

It then becomes clear that Khalid will face even more challenges. “We are busy with our journalistic work,” Yelle notes mysteriously.

Humberto: “So there will be a sequel?”

Yelle: “We are busy with our journalistic work.”

Humberto: “About Taghi? About Kasem? About the tapes?”

Yelle: “We are busy with our journalistic work.”

Big question marks

In any case, there is enough public interest to reveal all this dirt about Khalid, Chiel believes. “You show that someone who is now in the spotlight, who is a talk show host, brings people to his table and approaches them critically about perhaps lawsuits, etc., that you can have very serious doubts about that.”

“In the first case, this is of course the suspicion of possible bribery or something similar and in any case you can wonder what exactly he did with asking money from clients to perhaps bribe someone. In addition, it now appears that he (…) in any case had more contact with Taghi than he said at the time.”

“What’s still right?”

Ridouan Taghi is the top criminal for whom Khalid appears to have acted as a carrier pigeon. “That shows a structural picture of someone who plays with the truth somewhat. What exactly is true about what he says? And that is someone who sits at a talk show table and helps determine what we talk about on television in the evening.”

Yelle adds: “The DJI is investigating, the Public Prosecution Service has started an exploratory investigation, the National Criminal Investigation Department and the Dean of Lawyers are investigating. I just think that says something is going on…”
