“Even if Mark Rutte is a guest”

Esther Ouwehand does not belong to the huge group of Today Inside viewers. She has no need for Johan Derksen’s program at all. “Even when Rutte is there, I don’t look.”


Today Inside is by far the most watched talk show in the Netherlands. The supporters of Johan Derksen, Wilfred Genee and René van der Gijp are quite conservative. Left-wing politicians like Sigrid Kaag refused to drop by in the run-up to the past elections. What does Esther Ouwehand think of the Party for the Animals?

Esther refuses VI

Esther is also not a fan, she admits in the VARA guide. “Today I have never seen Inside. I don’t need that either. Even when Mark Rutte was there, I let it pass me by.”

According to her, it is not to be seen. “I understand very well that people turn away from politics on TV. Take that recent debate about the elections, doesn’t your pants fall off?! Vague language, no answers to the questions and just beating around the bush. And Rutte who was constantly fiddling on his phone.”

Fruity Ruth

Is Rutte watching VI at those moments? “No, he doesn’t watch TV on his phone. He is then tapping something, no idea what. He always does that, sometimes I say something about it.”

Incidentally, Esther is not a fan of Op1 either. “If I don’t really have to, I don’t watch Op1. I look if I know that a colleague is going to announce something there, but not otherwise.”

Fan of Marielle

Esther is a fan of Nieuwsuur. “When I watch TV – and that doesn’t happen often – it is mainly functional: Nieuwsuur, the current affairs sections and the Journaal.”

She concludes: “The special broadcasts that Mariëlle Tweebeeke made about public housing in the Netherlands were very good. Mariëlle Tweebeeke is great.”
