“Even her mascara is wrong!”

Eva Jinek is slated from head to toe by couturier Paul Schulten. He finds it bizarre how the TV star walked this summer at the Amsterdam Diner. “Even her mascara was wrong!”


The Dutch celebrities party Amsterdam Diner was attended by a selection of celebrities at the end of June. Eva Jinek was there together with Miljuschka Witzenhausen, her neighbor in Abcoude. There she witnessed the confrontation between Robert ten Brink and Yvonne Coldeweijer, who was then juice about the All You Need Is Love star.

‘What a miss!’

Eva wore a blue-black outfit to the festivities (see photo below), but she completely missed the mark with it, says couturier Paul Schulten in Story. He speaks of ‘a difficult evening dress that absolutely does not suit Eva’. “She looks best in simple, chic clothes.”

It would have been much better if Eva hadn’t worn those pleated sleeves, Paul explains. “But the creation is also far too long. Did she borrow it? I’m sorry, but I can only describe it as: a miss! An outfit like that doesn’t suit her at all.”

Chanel bag

Well, that’s pretty fierce criticism of Eva. It is of course immeasurably sad for the presenter, because she hardly goes to these kinds of parties and therefore had put a lot of effort into her appearance. She thought she had been taken care of down to the last detail. She also wore a very expensive Chanel bag.

Does Paul like that bag? Well no. In itself it is a ‘pretty’ accessory, he says: “This is only a tote bag and you should not wear it with a prom dress. You take such bags with you to completely different occasions. And I think Eva knows that too.”


It’s also inconvenient that Eva left her golden necklace on (“I think she forgot to take it off”), didn’t go to the hairdresser (“I miss volume and glamour”) and rushed her makeup (” I don’t think the make-up suits her status’).

What a misery. It’s just a mess, right down to the mascara, says Paul. “The mascara clumps. In addition, the lashes of her right eye are set much more heavily than those of her left eye. Unfortunately!”

Eva’s outfit

Eve’s outfit:
