Eva Jinek to Netflix? “That would be very annoying for RTL”

It will not be long before streamers such as Netflix, Prime and Viaplay start throwing themselves into the lucrative talk show market, according to weekly magazine Privé. “Buy Eva Jinek away and you are done.”


Linear TV channels are increasingly turning to live television as talk shows, as this differentiates them from the increasingly popular streaming services such as Netflix. But what if the streamers will soon also venture into talk shows? According to the authoritative weekly Privé, it will happen sooner or later.

Even more talk shows

Niels van Altena, former sales manager of the Ster, calculated for the at the beginning of this year FD how much money talk shows bring in. “The proceeds per episode are roughly 40,000 euros for Op1, 65,000 euros for Today Inside and 95,000 euros for Beau/Jinek,” he said.

The situation now looks a little less rosy, because the viewing figures of Eva Jinek are under pressure. Nevertheless, the 1.2 million euros that she receives per year will easily be taken out. “Perhaps a bit strange, but there will probably be even more talk shows despite the declining viewing figures and talk show fatigue,” said Privé.

Eva Jinek to Netflix?

According to Privé, it is inevitable that streaming services will soon receive talk shows. “In Hilversum, the program bosses think it won’t be long before streaming services start throwing Netflix, Prime and Viaplay into the financially lucrative talk show market.”

The magazine continues: “Of course they can also make talk shows, because it is relatively simple: just, it is just an example, buy Jinek from RTL and you are largely ready.”

Annoying for RTL

It would be a drama for RTL 4 if Eva is bought away, because it would make a big hole in the late-evening programming of the channel. It might be even more disastrous for competitor SBS 6 if the men from Today Inside are bought away.

Privé: “Should that happen in the near future, it would be very annoying for the regular TV channels, because it is precisely those live talk programs that distinguish those channels from the steaming services that have already attracted many viewers from the public and commercial sectors in recent years. hijacked.”
