Eva Jinek surprised with dangling RTL: ‘Bold statements’

Eva Jinek causes quite a bit of surprise by letting RTL dangle. She does not want to tell the channel until the fall whether she wants to continue after the turn of the year. “They are bold statements.”

© William Rutten

Eva Jinek’s four-year contract worth 1.2 million euros per year is about to expire. RTL has let her know that she would like to continue, but the presenter does not know that yet. She said in front of the RTL Boulevard camera that she only wants to make a decision after giving birth, so in the fall.

Bold statement

It can mean two things: either Eva wants to do the seven-hour slot of NPO 1 or it is a negotiation tactic. “I thought it was a bold statement that in any case makes it clear that Eva does not give the impression that she is very dependent on RTL. And that will probably benefit the price,” says Private boss Evert Santegoeds.

Evert points out in the podcast Strictly Private that Eva would have to go back to more than two tons per year at the NPO. “I can imagine that she fits very well with public broadcasting. Then she will have to compromise, financially. But yes, there are also all kinds of sleeves to adjust, if she is going to produce it herself, for example.”

Back to the NPO

Angela de Jong says in the AD Media podcast hoping that Eva will just go back to the NPO. “I wish her wholeheartedly that she will return to the NPO, pull the 7-hour time slot out of the doldrums and make a great talk show there.”

She continues: “But if she makes a different choice and stays with RTL, partly because she can earn much more there, then I think that is a very justified choice for her.”


AD media journalist Dennis Jansen: “I understand that RTL wants to keep her. Yes of course. She is basically the best.”

Colleague Marcus den Blanken: “Yes, but it is also not the case that she brings much more than the others bring.”

Dennis: “Well, I think so. She is sharper than all of them.”

Angela: “She’s a journalist and she can do a really good interview, better than anything out there.”

Marcus: “But that doesn’t bring them to RTL now, does it?”


Angela: “Well, the question is whether RTL wants that. And she wants it too. Who knows, she might even want to go more in that entertainment direction. You do not know. Maybe she likes it too. Yeah, you know, that’s every person’s choice. I think she’s great and I really wish her a very good talk show in terms of content.

Marcus: “But isn’t it that she just fits better with the NPO? It really seems much more logical to me that Jinek just goes back to the NPO and will indeed make substantive programs there. And let Humberto and Beau do the late night at RTL. They then fit better there than Jinek fits.”
