Eva Jinek sick to death of Johan Derksen’s statements: ‘Wake up all night’

Eva Jinek has been awake all night because Johan Derksen called her an ‘uncollegial slut’ on television. “Sure, I was really shocked. It was about something that wasn’t true.”


After her season finale three weeks ago, Eva Jinek celebrated in the studio with her guests. Today Inside editor Sam van Royen, the son of Heleen van Royen, was also there and he claims that Eva has been dancing on the grave of VI. “We got that Today Inside off the tube anyway!”, she would have shouted.

‘It’s not true!’

Johan Derksen therefore called her an ‘uncollegial bastard’ and a ‘scary person’. She was absolutely butchered by the men at the table on Thursday’s broadcast. What seems? Eva was very concerned about that. In fact, she couldn’t even get to sleep that night, she agreed yesterday in Beau van Erven Dorens’ talk show.

Eva says: “Certainly, I was really shocked. It was about something that wasn’t true. I think that was the worst part about it. That it was said that at the closing party of this program I would have danced on VI’s grave, that I celebrated there and such. That is not true at all.”

‘I was killed’

It cut into Eva. “If you are tackled by the things you say on TV, I mean: that’s part of our work, I know that and I support it. But this wasn’t true at all and I was completely killed off in that broadcast, so that’s really been on my mind for the past 24 hours.”

Beau: “I can see that in you.”

Eve: “It’s not true. I did not say that and I also called and spoke to Johan today and I called Wilfred and said that it is not true. Whoever told it has also apologized.”

nice Johan

The gentlemen were very nice, according to Eva. “Very nice. They were both very nice. They said, ‘Oh, how annoying. Didn’t you say that? I can really imagine how bad it must be for you to hear this and how it felt.’ Very reasonable and very nice. It is normal…”

She continues: “I don’t like it either. I didn’t like VI disappearing from the tube. I didn’t celebrate that. I did not say that. There were 50 people there. Eus was happy too. It is often with them. Then you feel powerless and it feels like injustice, because it is something that is not true. I was very happy to have spoken to them.”

Bitch Eva

Beau: “It’s actually framed. You are portrayed as a bitch.”

Eve: “Totally. For something that didn’t happen.”

The VI gentlemen are also pissed that she would have called for a boycott of their program. “Not true either. You can watch that broadcast, by the way. It’s not at all a matter of arguing about whether I’ve done that or not. You can look back on that broadcast and see it.”

Peace signed

Eva merely suggested such a boycott. That, of course, is different from arguing for it. “I lead the discussion at the table about VI. That conversation was on all the talk shows. And in it I spoke about an advertiser boycott, but I never called for it, also because I do not support it. I also said that to Johan today.”

Has peace now been signed? “As far as I’m concerned, because whoever told the story has apologized for it. Wilfred and Johan were very sweet when I called them and understanding, so for me certainly.”

Comment Johan

The men of VI were very mild for Eva in their show on Friday. “She had not slept last night and I find that annoying, because Eva Jinek is a great woman and we also have a very good relationship with that,” said Johan Derksen, among other things.

Beau read this reaction from the VI men a little later on his own show – both programs were on the channel simultaneously. Eva agreed with Johan’s statements and said: “Down with it!”


Eve at Beau:
