Eva Jinek receives support after criticism of her extremely long vacations

Eva Jinek receives support from her regular guest Özcan Akyol. He thinks it’s silly that the presenter always gets so much criticism on her extremely long vacations. “I asked her about it,” he says.


Eva Jinek’s mega-long vacations arouse annoyance among critics. For example, Story boss Guido den Aantrekker calls her ‘a heavily overpaid part-time TV presenter’. And Albert Verlinde is also surprised about her mega salary. “And then it’s part-time too. Can you imagine what it would have been like if you had to pay it in full.”


Özcan Akyol, who as a regular guest of Jinek has a good relationship with the presenter, thinks the criticism is a bit bland. He jumps into his VARAguide section in the breach for the troubled RTL 4-star. “Now, that’s the biggest misunderstanding in Hilversum, that Eva Jinek would always stop her talk show to celebrate vacation.”

He talked about it with Eve. “I asked her about it. What many people do not know is that during those other days, when she does not appear on the tube, she is busy making a documentary series for the Videoland medium. She also travels abroad for this. And more titles are coming.”


It is nonsense to attack Eva at her work rhythm, Özcan thinks. “Eva remains, despite everything, currently the best talk show presenter in the Netherlands. Whoever touches Eva will have to deal with me.”

Eva’s mega holidays started after her switch to RTL. Six months ago she said the following about it: “I can’t get rid of that. My colleagues are now teasing me with this: ‘How are you doing with your 18 months holiday?’ While: I make as many months of talk show as I did at the NPO. And I have never worked as hard as I have in the past two years.”
