Eva Jinek makes herself heard after criticism, shares series of compliments

Eva Jinek has been under a lot of fire lately, but not only has haters. She suddenly shares a whole series of about ten compliments in her Instagram stories.

© Videoland, Instagram

It’s not going well for Eva Jinek lately. Not only is she under heavy fire because of her role in the candle riot around Today Inside – yesterday she was still called clumsy by Bridget Maasland – but there is also criticism of her Videoland series about motherhood. The ‘taboos’ she discusses herein would be a ‘trodden garden’.


Apparently Eva needs it for herself that everyone knows that there are also many people who appreciate her, because she is now splitting up Instagram suddenly a series of ten compliments to her.

Some of the compliments Eva shares are true epistles. “Hello Eva, this is the very, very first time that I send a message via Insta to a, to me, unknown person. But I have to say: thank you for your documentary The World of Eva!”, reads the first paragraph.

And another: “I don’t know if you’re reading this, but what a beautiful series you have made on Videoland! Really thank you for this.”

‘So recognizable!’

Eve is praised all the way to heaven. Someone else: “Hi Eva, I just watched your program on Videoland and wanted to thank you for making the program. It’s so familiar to me what you said about guilt.”

Another reaction: “I saw your series De Wereld van Eva on Videoland. How fantastic. You dare to be SO vulnerable. And you are so absolutely right that women are allowed to stand up for themselves a lot more.”

Eve responds

It just goes on and on. It is quite striking that Eva shares all those compliments to herself. Normally only the lesser gods among the celebrities do that, so that the whole world sees how much they are valued.

Eva yourself: “So incredibly sweet that people take the trouble to send a personal response about my series The World of Eve about motherhood. There are countless of them – and I am equally grateful for all of them. It’s a topic that concerns many people, so let’s keep talking about it! With sharing, comfort grows.”

Critical reactions

All in all, it’s nice for Eva that she gets so many positive reactions herself. Videoland’s promo video on Twitter has generated countless critical reactions:
