‘Eva Jinek is wrong, her viewing figures are no longer good’

Eva Jinek is completely written off by Jan Dijkgraaf, the biographer of the Meilandjes. He thinks she has become too arrogant and too lazy over the years. “This just isn’t going to get any better.”


The image of Eva Jinek has been under pressure for some time now. Not only because of her considerably slumped viewing figures and her incredibly long vacations, but also because of her role in the candle riot around Today Inside. According to an eyewitness, the son of Heleen van Royen, she danced on the grave of VI at a private party.

too arrogant

What happened to Eve? NieuwNieuws journalist Bas Paternotte says in the podcast Nasty Boys: “Something has happened to Eva Jinek and that is probably that she has become too arrogant.”

Co-host Jan Dijkgraaf, columnist and biographer of the Meilandjes, replied: “Yes, and lazy. She has been running a talk show for less than six months. Jinek talks a lot about how important her talk show is (…) but she always goes on holiday for five months in the summer and two months in the winter. Madness!”


That woman hardly works, according to Jan. “She was bought by RTL for allegedly 1.2 million per year, but everyone and really everyone, even people who like her, says: ‘They expected a little more from RTL for that 1.2 million per year. than a part-timer.’”

Bas: “At a certain point she became a total celebrity. Then you get paid a little better, but at some point the arrogance takes over. I think that’s what happened with Eva Jinek. That she herself as too big to fail sees. Do you understand what I mean?”

Jan: “Then we have to work together to put an end to that, because that is not good for the character of a person.”

‘Not going to be okay’

Bas fears the worst. “This isn’t going to get any better either. Her character has developed like this and she can’t change that anymore. We don’t get that nice, uninhibited Eva Jinek anymore. I don’t think we’ll ever get it back. That is over.”

Jan: “I was honestly already done with her when she crawled Hillary Clinton’s fat ass over that photo she had on her bedside table. During an interview.”

Bas: “She had already lost it by then. She didn’t realize, ‘It’s not smart to say this.’”

Jan: “Of course, she also interrupted a previous holiday to do an exclusive interview with Sigrid Kaag when she announced that she would become party leader. So she is also part of the Kaag team, otherwise you wouldn’t lend yourself for such a promotional interview. That was also completely uncritical.”

Wrong thing

Eva is really passé, Jan thinks. “Jinek is just wrong and I don’t think those viewing figures are good anymore. People like Eva Jinek just have the problem that, for example, Mark Rutte also has, that they only have people around them who tell them how great they are.”

Bass: “Yakjacks.”

Jan: “Yes, exactly. John de Mol has that too. John-sayers, they used to be called at Endemol. People who are allowed to say John to him are simply life-threatening.”

Nasty Boys

The Nasty Boys podcast:
