Eva Jinek gets another verbal blow after a lousy punch: ‘You’re a coward!’

Eva Jinek is only just recovering from her bad luck with Johan Derksen when she has to deal with another verbal blow. Meiland biographer Jan Dijkgraaf calls her a ‘coward’.


It’s not going well for Eva Jinek lately. She has been dealing with critical noises about her mega holidays and her declining viewing figures for some time, but that is a big difference compared to the media dynamics she has ended up in since the candle riot around Today Inside. Critics portray her as a bitch, colleague Beau van Erven Dorens notices.

Criticism of Jan

Suggesting live television that a viewer and advertiser boycott of Today Inside is the only thing that can stop the talk show has come right in Eva’s face. It came to a climax on Thursday when Johan Derksen called her an ‘uncollegial slut’. The consequence? Eva lay awake all night and sat with Beau the next night.

The quarrel with VI has now been settled, but this time Eva gets the well-known Meiland biographer Jan Dijkgraaf. Today the writer puts Eva at the center of his infamous column series Letter from Jan† He doesn’t believe Eva’s denial that she danced on VI’s grave at the party after her season finale.

“Why would he lie?”

Today Inside editor Sam van Royen, the son of Heleen van Royen, states that Eva shouted at that particular party: “We got that Today Inside off the tube nicely!”

Jan thinks it is credible. “Why would that boy lie about it?” he writes. “Then I think: just admit it. Don’t turn around.”

“You’re a coward!”

Eva is not as innocent as she seems, Jan believes. “You also have an intensely bad side. You are a coward.”

He points out that Eve moved heaven and earth to get Erica Meiland to sit down to talk about her biography. That biography came under fire because of Erica’s spicy statements about Islam. Critical questions from Eva about this are fine, Jan thinks, but: “You had hired another guest, Chantal Janzen, who let you do the dirty work for you.”

Eva saw how Erica was hit hard by Chantal at her talk show table. “So you could wash your hands in innocence. Brrrr.”


Eva is a backstabber, Jan thinks. “It’s best that you can laugh with you. But I still advise people who ever have to go into hiding to knock a few doors further.”

You can read Jan Dijkgraaf’s spicy column on the website Briefjevanjan.nl
