Euvgenia Parakhina receives a lot of hate letters: ‘From the Dutch’

Euvgenia Parakhina has suffered quite a bit from the TV appearance where she stood up for Vladimir Putin. “At the moment I get a lot of hate letters,” she says in Op1.

© Op1

Before Vladimir Putin started a war in his neighbor Ukraine, So You Think You Can Dance celebrity Euvgenia Parakhina jumped in the gap for him on the talk show VI Today. For example, she thought it was quite exaggerated that Putin was called a dictator by the men at the table.

breaking moment

After the invasion of Ukraine, Euvgenia completely lost faith in Putin. She is currently even hosting Ukrainian refugees in her home. “I was still in Moscow a day before the raid, so I heard his speech at home with my mother and my sister and I think that was a kind of breaking moment, of: that’s him,” she says in the talk show Op1.

“Because it was quiet, it was quiet. We sat watching, silently. And then my sister said, “This means war.” Then it goes very quickly in your head, like: it’s true, everything I believed in is nothing, is wrong.”

Do most people in Russia still support him? “In Russia, unfortunately.”

hate letters

Even though Euvgenia has repented, she still gets a lot of hatred. “Right now I get a lot of hate letters. Really hate letters from the heart. I’ve read them, I’ve watched them, I’m not answering anything. I do not have time for that. I just consciously don’t do it, because I get a lot of hate letters from Dutch people. Not from Ukrainian people. From Dutch.”

And that while Euvgenia – her father is Russian, her mother Ukrainian – is currently fully behind Ukraine. She thinks it’s insane the twist on this war on Russian TV. “The same subject is rotated 180 or 360 degrees. It’s a very strange situation.”


Euvgenia in Op1:
