Eurovision Song Contest 2023: Twitter chooses the “winners of hearts”

Twitter chose the ESC winners of the hearts – and these moments of the show made for amusement.

It is fair to say that the Eurovision Song Contest triggered strong emotions in many viewers. Because many people didn’t agree with Sweden’s renewed victory – even if the jury and televoting clearly failed, many wanted a different song at the top.

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When the last points were awarded, Finland and Sweden feared for victory – but in the end Loreen was able to prevail with the song “Tattoo” and relegated Käärija to second place.

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Also the commentators Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz, who reported live for the ORF from one of the speaker boothsremarked that the joy of Loreen’s victory in the arena is somewhat limited.

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Twitter wouldn’t be Twitter if there weren’t amusing comments about the other acts as well:

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Germany caused shame in two ways – not only did Lord of the Lost embarrass himself with last place, Elton also made a stale joke live from Hamburg when the points were announced. He complimented presenter Hannah Waddingham on her looks, then whipped out a ring box and pulled out a biscuit. OK.

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All the fears for Germany didn’t help – once again the Germans are at the bottom of the ESC.

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So maybe it’s not such a bad idea to have Anke Engelke and Bastian Pastewka in their prime roles as Jenny and Mel next year?

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