Europese vakbondskoepel will wet over maximum temperature op workplek | Buitenland

A Europese koepelorganatie van vakbonden pleit vandaag by the Europese Commissie voor het set up van a maximum temperature that could be worked on by people who built works. The work comes from the recent hittegolf in Europe in Madrid, where the works are overlaid.

A number of Europese lidstaten, waaronder ons land en Hongarije, heeft wettelijk vastgelegd tot wilke temperature he may have been werken, maar de drempelwaarden disappear and in many lands bestaan ​​zulke maximum temperatures zelfs helemaal niet. This is the case in Frankrijk, which means that in 2020 there will be two people working in the field.

According to a statement from the Eurofound office, 23 percent of the workers in the EU exceeded a square meter of the blootgesteld at high temperatures. When he said all that was sent to landbouwarbeiders, that percentage is about 36 percent among the workers in the building that is about 38 percent.

“Workers on the front line of the climate crisis”

“Workers were still there on the front line of the climate crisis and they were about to be warned about extreme temperatures,” says Claes-Mikael Stahl, responsible secretary-general of the Europe Association of Vakverenigingen (ETUC), for the 60-million-strong union Europese vakbondsleden vertegenwoordigt, in a personal report. “Politici can not long het gevaar van kwetsbare workers negroes, terwijl ze zelf comfortably in kantors with air conditioning Zitten.”

Withered temperature of the vakbondskoepel vorstelt is not known. According to the Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie, the optimal working temperature must be 16 and 24°C.

The air conditioning is operated in the office. © thinkstock
