Europese Unie lanceert military missie in Rode Zee: schepen verdedigen mag, Houthi-stellingen aanvallen niet | Conflict Israel-Palestine

The European Ministers of Buitenlandse Zaken hebben op een vergadering in Brussel het licht op groen gezet voor en militaire missie om vrachtschepen te beschermen in de Rode Zee. This is the Europees Commissievoorzitter Ursula von der Leyen confirmed.

“Europe for the growth of the world in the Rode Zee garanderen, samen met international partners”, the Von der Leyen mee op


The lidstaten raken het in januari al principieel aens over de missie, die de nameam Aspides meekreeg. He’s a defensive missie. The military may shoot from the merchants of Zichzelfth to defend themselves, so they may go to the land in the Vizier against the positions of the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Various lands have been raised and are there for the sake of it. On the land, Louise-Marie was stubborn. Volgens military bronnen zal the ship op 27 maart afvaren voor a missie in the Middellandse Zee. This is followed by Agenor’s operation in the Straat van Hormuz. Zowel in the heen- as the terugvaart passeseert de Louise-Marie and onvermijdelijk longs de Rode Zee.

“Uit solidarity with Palestijnen”

They are half way November Vallen Houthirebellen vrachtschepen aan die ze in association brengen with Israel. The rebels who were sent to Iran say they do “with solidarity” with the Palestinians in Gaza. Various redders bestslisten from the Rode Zee and the Golf van Aden links te laten liggen en omweg te nemen.

The United States and the United Kingdom were launched in December and also operated in the Rode Zee. We are looking forward to hearing from the Houthi stellings.
