Grandchildren have reported that inflation in the country has reached 7.59% in January, with the highest level being August 1983 and from het jaar uit te come up to 4.3%.
Slechts vijf Eurolanden later that year a higher inflation optekenen. Daar zijn geen buurlanden van België bij. For the whole euro zone, the Commission is responsible for setting a price of 3.5%.
Therefore, the value of the economic larges that year was calculated from the options of the previous year, as is the contracting shearer in the future. For the eurozone according to the Commission from a large amount of 4.0%, up from 5.3% last year. Oorzaken zijn het bigger aantal corona besmettingen van de Voorbije weken, de high energieprijzen en de aanhoudende verstoringen van de Toeleveringsketen.
The Belgian economy is currently at 2.7%. In 2021 the big will still be 6.1%.