Europese Centrale Bank was closed in July for the first time in 2011

The central bankers of the euro zone were only available on Thursday in Amsterdam, and not in Frankfurt as a business. Zeslisten soals warns that he has not changed in June aan de Rentevoeten. The most important pension in the eurozone, the herfinancieringsrente, state as are maart 2016 op nul. Banks that parkeren for the sake of money at the ECB, would like to have a penalty of 0.5 percent betalen. May come in July he will change. So zal de ECB vanaf 1 july stop with het opkopen van waardepapier. In 2015, the installation for zowat will cost 5,000 million euros in obligations on the basis of the economy.

Voorts is the central bank “voornemens de basic rentetarieven tijdens de monetairbeleidsvergadering van July met 25 Basispointen te verhogen”, according to a personal report. The sale is planned for July 21st. In September there will be two verhogings, waarna “een geleidelijk maar duurzaam traject van verdere rentestijgingen suitably zal zijn”.

As a result of the rapid production of the corona crisis and the oorlog in Oekraïne, it has become duurder in the eurozone in rap tempo. Vooral de energieprijzen rijzen de pan uit. The door was duidelijk dat de ECB not for a long time kon guarded with ingrijpen.

“The onrechtvaardigde agressie van Rusland tegen Oekraïne heeft serious consequences for the economy of the eurozone and the vooruitzichten zijn nog steeds erg onzeker, maar de voorwaarden zijn aanwezig om de economie te laten blijven groeien en op middellange termijn verder te produce”, zei ECB- president Christine Lagarde vandaag tijdens een persconference. “The inflation is only meant to be watched over and over again. If there is an increase in the inflation rate in the middle of the term, there will be a limit on the streefcijfer of 2 percent. Daarom hebben wej besloten verdere steppen te ondernemen om ons monetaire beleid te normaliseren.”

That the pension has not been met in all circumstances, heeft ermee te maken dat he rst een de moet been made aan het Massaal opkopen van obligatie. Daarmee was pumped maandelijks vele miljarden euro’s in de economy. The ECB says that the tax offense will stop as of July 1st.


Higher rents paid by the ECB can result in banks receiving additional rents if they opt to do so.

The last keer that the pension in the eurozone will be announced, which is toen by Fransman Jean-Claude Trichet and the highest baas by the ECB. Zijn opvolger, de Italian Mario Draghi, before there are and 2011 alleen maar renteverlagingen door. Huidig ​​ECB-President Lagarde heeft are hair arantreden in November 2019 de rente nog niet aangepast.

The rent stated is the most important value of the ECB in the strijd tegen de inflation. Door de rente te verhogen, wordt lenen duurder en zou de vraag dalen. Op the manner zou also de inflatie wat want afkoelen.

Regarding the inflation, the European Central Bank shall be informed that the vermoedelijk nog hoger zal uitkomen dan tot nu toe monitored. The installation is now showing an inflation rate of 6.8 percent that year (in Maart the forecast was still 5.1 percent), of 3.5 percent in 2023 and of 2.1 percent in 2024. It will also be in 2024 even further de ECB-inflated oil setting of 2 percent liggen.

The economic big in the eurozone is now considered to be smaller than it is now. The ECB was growing by 2.8 percent that year (in Maart it was still 3.7 percent). In 2023 the gross inland product (bbp) met 2.1 percent toenemen (in terms of 2.8 percent). The total for 2024 will be the largest, up to 2.1 percent.
