Europe’s Parliament wants 50 billion euros in financial support for the European Union Nieuws

The European Parliament will receive a large amount of money from the European Parliament in 2027, which will cost 50 billion euros in order to produce a new facility in the country.

Het halfrond gaf with 512 tegen 45 lifting (63 onthoudingen) zijn fiat. The faciliteit zal in the period of 2024 to 2027 tot 33 million euros and 17 million euro subsidies are available from the country’s financial resources, neither opbouw and modernizing the financing and emergence from the door to the voeren met het oog op eventuele toetreding tot de Europese Unie.

The European Commissie had the previous June on the table from the regering in Kiev uitzicht te biden op stable en voorspelbare steun voor the longer termijn. If the Russian invasion takes place in February 2022, the EU will spend 30 million euros on various financial resources from the Oekraine, which will be distributed on an ad hoc basis.

“As we the Oekraïners zeggen that we hen blijven steunen tot aan het van de oorlog, dan is deze afspraak about voorspelbare en duurzame financiële steun het concrete bewijs daarvan,” says Tom Vandenkendelaere (CD&V/EVP).

Corruption and mixing of interests

The half-rond has a transparent and democratic control over the best of the money. There will also be a large amount of information about the bestrijding of corruption and the mixing of interests. “As the voorzitter of the begrotingscommissie goes bankrupt, it also has to be controlled. “We don’t want to be blind to the health of the land and the land and the sky, so we can avoid corruption,” said Johan Van Overtveldt (N-VA/ECR) during the debate.

Activa van Russia

The Europarlementsleden insist on the fact that the European Parliament also finances the financing of Russia’s activities in Europe. “The steun should be taken from the millions of Russian elites who conquered Europe. “Want poet and Russian oligarchs take responsibility for the leed and shame in Oekraïne,” said Hilde Vautmans (Open VLD/Renew).

Within Europe, the word has already been put into place in order to have the Russian activa applied in the future, but there is still a concreet available on the table. Belgium, which was the largest part of this activity, was set up in 2022 and 2023, which in 2022 and 2023 was worth a total of 2.3 billion euros for the Oekraine via the burden on the country’s interests in the activity.

Lidstaten decided

About the faciliteit, the European Parliamentary Parliament should also be informed of the lidstaten. The national government must have a genuine and unanimity decision about the facilities and other extra funds for the marine production, which is then carried out through the crisis of the year. The European Parliament is now in due course, it wants to be voted on by 2024 for a vast majority of the Oekraine.

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