Europe’s big label for aardgas and nuclear energy from January from Kracht | Buitenland

By middernacht there is a deadline for the EU-lidstaten to extend the planning of the Europese Commission and also consider the number of investments in aardgas and nuclear energy as the largest classification. There were also tegenstanders he al not in slaagd om het omstreden voorstel in het Europees Parlement te blokkeren. The rule that has been included in the plan of the European Committee for the 2050 climate-neutral period is from January 2023.

At least 20 lidstaten the seeds ten at least 65 percent van de Europese population vertegenwoordigen, had den for middernacht de pre-organized classificatie nog knnen blockeren. Now that is not required, additional investments in gas and nuclear energy have been noted for the following January as a major one.

The previous week was the Europees Parlement al in the blocks of the classificatieregels. He was 353 stemmen nodig om het plan van de Commissie tegen te houden, maar de stemmen bleven steken op 328.

“transition phase”

The Commission had in Maart via een drawnaamde gedelegeerde handeling beslist dat aardgas en kernenergie butder bepaalde voorwaarden een plaats can raise in the taxonomy. This is a classification system that private investeers need to give more orientation to economic activities that are not harmful to the climate in the environment. The system is planned in Europe in the span of climate-neutral 2050.

The Commission argued that there was a volume of energy that could be used, but that gas and nuclear energy in a transition phase were not expected to be as short as possible. Bovendien stipt ze aan dat de taxonomie grankel acted as gids voor private investeerders.

Voor- en tegenstanders

France and Germany were the most important of the stands of the plan. In Germany, gas was used as a transition to prevent hernieuwbare fountains over the steps. Frankrijk leunt sterk op nuclear energy from zo min mogelijk broeikasgassen uit te stoten.

Due to the increased deadline, there is still a legal issue. Oostenrijk, dat radicaal tegen nuclear energie is known, condigde een procedure aan bij het Europese Hof van Justitie. Luxembourg zal die zaak steunen. Also milieuorganization Greenpeace condigde juridische steps aan. Air-conditioning activists were prepared for the planned plan, so that future efforts should be made to invest in renewable energy sources as wind and zoning roofs.
