Europees Parlement will be 60 kilometers from a load for electric cars on snow | landlocked

In 2026, the buyers of electric cars in Europe should be able to travel at least within a few kilometers of what they could possibly load. That’s what he’s saying about the Europees Parlement.

The parliament will present a plan for the use of infrastructure for alternative fuels in the year 2024. Shortly after that, a specific part of the plan should be considered. The Parlementsleden vragen onder Meer dat he Tegen 2026 op de Snelwegen from the 60 kilometers to a loading station for passenger cars available soon.

The obligation must also be money for private vehicles and buses, but then there are children on a covered network of snow. During 2028, at least two loading stations are expected to be planned for all parking spaces for private vehicles. That said, what the Europese Commissie had foreseen: where there was a loading station in 2031.

The Europarlementsleden sound too ambitious dan the Commissioner wanna het gaat over de uitrol van waterstofstations. The Commissie had a water station at the 150 kilometers from Tegen 2031 Voorgesteld, but the parliament heeft dat bijgesteld near a station at the 100 kilometers from Tegen 2028.

337,000 charging stations in the EU

The transport sector remains the largest of the sources of CO2 emissions in the European Union. De versnelde uitrol van snelladers en waterstofstations maakt deel uit van een pakket wetgeving waarmee de EU tegen 2050 klimaatneutraal wil be, with a reduction of de uitstoot met 55 percent tegen 2030 as the first stage.

The doelstellingen zijn vervat in a verordening, wat ze Rechtstreeks van Kracht maakt in the lidstaten. The Commission had in 2013 al eens een richtlijn over laadpalen vororgesteld, but the lidstaten raised that initial toen fors uitgehold, so complains the German rapporteur Ismail Ertug aan. “At the moment there are 377,000 loading stations in the EU, but that is not enough to help us.

Over the ordering of the parliamentary orders no other trading will be attached with the lid. Het onderhandelingsmandaat is vandaag alvast goedgekeurd with 485 days 65 presses (80 tons).
