Europees Parlement stimulates chipsector with new wet | Buitenland

Het Europees Parlement has been ingested with the European Chips Act. This is a new improvement in Europe’s position in the chip industry. De wet zal investeringen in onderzoek, innovation and new factories facilitated with millions of euros.

Het initiatief komtvoort uit het wereldwijde chiptekort tijdens de coronapandemie. Car manufacturers stopped ordering, but were later confronted with an enormous amount of electronic consumption, such as laptops.

The European Chips Act has two requirements. The first thing to do is to make the financial statements for the order, the details and the development of new chips. Ten two, het aanrekken van chipfabrieken to Europa om the afhankelijkheid van chipimport te reduce. A prior notice here is the vestiging of Intel factories in Germany, which amounts to millions of euros in total.

Powerful impulse

With the European Chips Act krijgt de Europese Commission de mogelijkheid om in te grijpen bij een eventueel nieuw chiptekort. This represents Europe in the state in which it is previously stated that there are no written notices in the shortest possible time in the future. De wetgeving heeft tot doel de Europese chip industry a strong impulse te geven en Europe te positioneren as a significant player in the wereldwijde chip industry.

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