Europeans, Matteazzi and the bronze medal in the 400 medley: “I do … the farmer”

The man from Vicenza lends a hand on the family farm: “This medal will help me continue to improve. Also happy for my friend Razzetti’s gold “

He is almost ashamed when he passes into the mixed zone. It is evident that he is not used to cameras and microphones. But Pier Andrea Matteazzi must stop and tell this bronze in the 400 medley as unexpected as it is beautiful. Unexpected for predictions, but perhaps not for him. “I was fine from the morning, I knew I could play an important chance – he says -. It was my first medal at the international level, and won in front of my audience. What a sight when I heard the roar of people in the pool during the race. I can’t find the words to describe the emotions but it’s really a dream come true for me. Hearing and singing the hymn for me and ‘Razzo’ was something indescribable. We are friends, I’m really happy for him too ”.


Matteazzi (who competes for the Army) then stops to tell about his young career. “It’s not like I did great times, then gradually I improved and started having fun. This bronze will serve me to continue my growth. Outside the tanks, I’m a … farmer. I help out in the family farm, created by my grandfather, which we have in the Vicenza area. I dedicate this medal to my family that has always been close to me ”.
