European Volleyball, Italy in the sign of Antropova: ‘The blue emotion is unique’

The quarterfinals are up for grabs against Spain. Kate is available again: “Everything is fine with Egonu. I admire her”

Gianluca Pasini

Not that they were joking before, but from today on in the European Championship whoever makes a mistake pays. I mean, he goes home. With a Palazzo Wanny in Florence now sold out, Italy faces the round of 16 this evening: at 21.15 there is Spain.

After two days of rest due to a muscle problem, how is Kate Antropova now?

“Better, I feel good.”

How did you see Italy?

“Well. I don’t know how she looked from home, but as I’m quite emotional, I really enjoyed watching the game from the bench ”.

Is it clear that you believe in this team?

“If you do things without conviction then you make them wrong. But I think it can also be seen from the TV that we believe in it a lot”.

The knockout part finally begins. Charges?

“Yes a lot. The most difficult matches are approaching, we are excited to start ”.

The challenge is in Florence, where he plays with Scandicci. Another emotion?

“Playing in Florence is incredible. Having the public on our side is an added advantage”.

From Verona to Florence you have found the affection of the people. Did you expect all this heat?

“I knew that the national team was followed everywhere. But it is one thing to imagine it and another thing to live it: it was a unique emotion. In every gym there are even more people who support us”.

From the outside she looks like a pretty cool player. Is she a right picture?

“Many tell me that I am different on the pitch. When I play I am more emotional. Then, if one gets to know me, one realizes that I’m not as cold as I seem at first impression.”

So sometimes you can’t sleep near the most important matches?

“Before the race I don’t have any major problems, I almost always sleep. Maybe after the game I struggle more. But I think it’s quite normal. There is more adrenaline in circulation”.

What is your relationship with Paola Egonu? In these first games, were you on the bench, while Kate was the starter on the pitch?

“She’s one of my teammates like any other. You have an important value for all of world volleyball. I admire her, I’ve watched so many games of her. But she remains one of the girls who are my teammates ”.

Ok, but did you expect coach Mazzanti to let you play this European in your place?

“I’m not the type to expect things to happen. I don’t really like thinking about what could happen, I focus more on what happens, when it happens. But it was a good sign of confidence from the coach”.

This summer he also took his final exams. Do you already know what you will do at the university?

“I will do an online degree course to be able to continue playing. And I will do Fashion Design. I like this environment, but even more I wanted something different from volleyball, also to challenge myself”.

Of course we talk about it after the European …
