European Volleyball Championships: Italian legend Giani challenges Italy for a place in the final

He has the record for most appearances for the national team, but tonight he will lead France against De Giorgi’s team. Triumphs, injuries and role changes: a story that began in the mid-80s…

The first time they met, Andrea Giani was not even 15 years old and was playing in the team of his city, Sabaudia. Fefé De Giorgi was the setter for Ugento, in a very hot A-2 sports hall. It was the mid-80s. Three years later, in 1988, Carmelo Pittera (former Italian coach who will be at PalaEur this evening as a fan) called them both up for the Olympic qualifiers in Seoul, Andrea Giani was the boy (who would later participate to 4 other Olympics, in addition to the Korean one), while Fefé De Giorgi played what – for now – remains the only 5-hoop event of his career (first as a player and then as a coach).
