European Swimming Championships in Rome. Bertocchi, a splash of gold: ‘And who expected it, with that back so battered …’

The Milanese who won in the one meter springboard: “I presented myself as the current European champion, but I didn’t think about it too much. Huge satisfaction, after a very difficult period, which did not allow me to train “

Stefano Arcobelli-Mario Canfora

August 16

Elena the Milanese who wins in Rome, as if to thank the city that adopted her, Chiara who climbs back to the podium and scores 2 out of 2 in her Rome. It is a huge satisfaction for the two blue trampolinists who also compete together in synchro and were European champions in Glasgow in 2018 where Chiara’s story began, a year after Elena had reached the peak with the world bronze always from the small springboard. The rebirth of Bertocchi, who trained on the Navigli at the Canottieri Milano with Dario Scola and then chose to integrate with the blue group at Acquacetosa under the orders of Oscar Bertone, who now says: “Congratulations to the medical staff who put Elena back on her feet in a month; then today she was good at pulling off a great final. The group has been working exceptionally since the beginning of the year. The results are rewarding our efforts and the sacrifices of all the kids. Four medals after two days are an excellent prize ”.


Bertocchi, on the other hand, says: “I presented myself as the reigning European champion, but I didn’t think about it too much. The goal was to have fun and I think I went further. This gold is a huge satisfaction after a very difficult period. From an emotional point of view, I accused the preliminaries more; in the final I was loose and charged. And in any case, seeing so much public was wonderful, even my legs were shaking ”. She also made a marriage proposal to her boyfriend Francesco. “Still for the Fantaeuropeo but if you want to marry me that’s okay, I’m almost 28 years old …” .. she spoke before about back problems. Elena explains everything better: “It’s a structural problem, so it can’t be healed. it is an inflammation of the articular facets that when I go in extension they pinch me and it is as if a knife entered my back. At the World Cup I had gotten so bad that I even got sciatica, not even a month ago I had a cortisone infiltration. For now I’m fine, let’s hope it continues ”.


Finally Chiara Pellacani. “This is the race I have prepared the least. I’m happy with how I jumped anyway, maybe I could have done the somersault and half inverted jump better with a twist and a half. The goal was the podium and it arrived; a European championship at home helps us, because it stimulates the whole group to do better and to give more and more. Tomorrow I have the mixed sync with Matteo Santoro and we hope not to disappoint expectations ”. Elena saved the season with a splendid seal, Chiara finds her partner in the world silver in Budapest, the only Italtuffi medal. She is the fourth double in European history from the pink meter, first gold / bronze. Previously there were Tania Cagnotto / Maria Marconi in Turin 2009 (gold / silver) and Cagnotto followed by Bertocchi in London 2016 (gold / silver). The race is decided at the last dive: the Pellacani closes with the pike returned (50.40) slightly soiled at the entrance which adds up to 259.05; Bertocchi with an overturned one and a half with a touching and a half twist (54.60), for her who is fighting with chronic back problems: she wins with 264.25. Between the two blues the Swedish Emma Gullstrand (259.65) intervenes, placing an excellent one and a half ahead with two twists. The godmother Tania Cagnotto comments: “I didn’t expect so many people. Redoing this tunnel from the indoor pool to the outdoor Foro Italico when I did it made me anxious because that was what I was doing in the race. It’s great to see so many flags, there is a truly competitive atmosphere out here. A return to normality that we have not been able to experience. It takes, it takes a lot. And I hope it is the beginning for a return to the road. They were the first dives since I got pregnant with Lisa, almost two years, and I must say I was surprised too, as if it hadn’t been so long. I am still capable of making a jump and diving. Surely five simple dives from the meter I could also do them. And another thing to do would be to do the dives I did from three meters. I think they would take me away on a stretcher ”.
