European Photography: in Reggio Emilia until 12 June

T.before exhibitions and anthologies: the photographs of the authors reflect on contemporary themes European Photography borrows the title from a poem by Albert Camus, The invincible summerto outline the outlines and purposes of this 2022 edition.

Many exhibitions are scheduled, from Binidittu by Nicola Lo Calzo, dedicated to migrants in the Mediterranean, a Talashi by Alexis Cordesse with shots of exiles from the war in Syria, a Mary Ellen Mark. The Lives of Womenan anthology that pays homage to the American photo-documentarian.

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Mary Ellen Mark, “Girl Jumping over a Wall, Central Park, Manhattan, New York”, 1967 (© 1963-2013 Mary Ellen Mark / Howard Greenberg Gallery, NY).

On a different scale. Luigi Ghirri, Italy in miniature and new perspectives recalls the Emilian author 30 years after his death, starting from a project on the Rimini theme park.
INFO: Reggio Emilia, various locations, until 12 June.

