European Games, Italy wins the medal table one day early

The Azzurri have won 28 gold medals and are now unreachable for Spain and Ukraine, the first pursuers. Today victories for Sotero and Malan in the pentathlon, Mouhiidine in boxing and Pellielo-Rossi in the mixed team of skeet shooting

From our correspondent Michela Cuppini

Italy wins the medal table at the European Games in Krakow one day in advance. The Azzurri with 28 golds are in fact now unreachable for the first pursuers Spain and Ukraine.

Modern pentathlon

Two gold medals from the modern pentathlon arrived on the penultimate day with Alice Sotero (already in possession of the pass for Paris 2024) and Giorgio Malan who also takes the Olympic card: “Two years ago, thinking of Paris, I would have said ‘I’m going to get a outing – he confessed -, but now the outing will be done by the others. I’m going there to have fun”.


Extraordinary success also for Aziz Abbes Mouhiidine who, at the Nowy Targ Arena, beats the Irishman Jack Marley 5-0 in a match without history and conquers the gold: “This is the second best day of my life – said the boxer blue – The best was yesterday when I won the pass for Paris 2024. Now to the Olympics to win gold”.

Skeet shooting

Gold also in the mixed team for Giovanni Pellielo and Jessica Rossi who defeated Great Britain 6-4. Again in clay pigeon shooting, the couple formed by Mauro De Filippis and Giulia Grassia who rule the Scandinavian duo 6-4 closes with a bronze.

The others

In the semi-automatic 25m pistol team event, the trio made up of Riccardo Mazzetti, Andrea Morassut and Massimo Spinella beat Ukraine with a clear 16-4 and took home the bronze. From kickboxing come the two bronzes of Edoardo Bagarello and Riccardo Albanese. Third place also for the judo mixed team led by Odette Giuffrida, while beach soccer Italy finished second, defeated by Switzerland 5-2 in the final.
