European Commission wants 90 percent less CO2 by 2040, Demir critical: “Opbod must stop!” | Nieuws

updateThe European Commissie wants to open the broeikasgassen in 2040 with a reduction of 90 percent. The government needs politics, pressure and energy first in conversation, on the EU climate commissioners Wopke Hoekstra. In the previous versions of the plan for the landbuilding specification, the two countries will have a positive impact on the Boerenprotest in Europe.

KIJK. VN-baas: “We have reached a ‘point of no return’ with climate”

The Europese Unie has announced that it will be climate-neutral in 2050. In this case, there will be a reduction in CO2 emissions in other parts of the country in 2030 with 55 percent of the amount in the year 1990. In 2022, the amount of gas in the streets with 33 percent of the year.

According to the EU’s data protection policy, the print is not made on the ketel te houden en niet te laat te moeten constateren dat de lidstaten niet genoeg zijn opschoten. The next oil will arrive before 2040.

Druk van groenen en socialisten

The Commissie also overwhelms the op 80 of 85 percent of the world in 2040. This is the result of the climate change of the Paris region and the warming of the aarde and the climate advisors.

The Christian Democratic Party is well known for being the opponent of Frans Timmermans, on the part of the Green Party and the left-wing European parliamentarians.

The new product for 2040 is not available to the commissioner. As the EU states are poor, the following European Commission will take part in the districts of June.


The European Commissie was responsible for the planning of the land building, specifying the goods on the legs. The land building is located in other warehouses in CO2 with 30 percent should be done by 2040. This is in a read beforehand version of the Reuters press release. After the boer protest of the Afghans took place in Belgium and other states, this was definitely the case.

“We need to worry about a balance sheet,” said the Eurocommissars Hoekstra in the Parliament at the time of voting on the plan. “The oversized sea of ​​one’s burgers will have an impact on the climate change and will protect the people, so they will also be informed about what this means for their food.”

“Opbod needs to stop”

Vlaams Minister van Omgeving Zuhal Demir (N-VA) reacts critically in the first instance. “De Europese train dendert voort in haar parallelle world, steeds verder van de mensen af ​​in een opbod waarvan iedereen weet dat het niet haalbaar is,” says ze. “Het opbod aan klimaatdoelstellingen must stop! The force of the action is verdwijnt aan rotvaart, the steun for political extremism is not toe, en de EU prijst zich uit de international market. These jobs and co-op costs.”

Aan the other edge of the political spectrum is men positiever over the plan of the Commission. “A reduction of 90 percent by 2040 is now possible. “It’s good for the European Commissie to die koers aanhoudt,” says Groen-covoorzitster Nadia Naji. “As we come to Europe, we want to see the climate in the central state, not in the legislature. With a strong Europe it hurts everyone and keeps the money coming extra special.”

In the European Parliament, Tom Vandenkendelaere (CD&V) is critical. Hij begrijpt the Commissie vanwege de Klimaatwet niet differently kan dan met deze communicatie uit te pakken, maar vreest dat de timing symbolic niet slechter kan. “The European Commissie stoot de boeren nodeloos voor het hoofd. The European People’s Party (EVP, was CD&V deel van uitmaakt, red.) for a long time, a demand for the European Union can be kept. “It really is a confusing signal to the land sector.”

“Afspraak met de divorceis”

A heel and the opinion of the Europarlementariër Kathleen Van Brempt (Vooruit), who takes over the language of Europe with the divorce. “The goal for 2040 is that the cruciaal issue is important for the future, the problem is in the economy and in the perspective of the two. This creates a strong investment opportunity for one economy. That’s a good thing.”

Van Brempt will erop the importance of sommige innovative technologies in the uitstoot van broeikasgassen net reduction, zoals koolstofopslag, never like been overschat. “Koolstofopslag staat as technology in hair kinderschoenen en blijft a zeer dure en inefficiënte oplossing. What we are doing in our industry can be scraped and circulated and climate-neutral in our neighborhoods, so the ambition can be achieved.”

KIJK OOK. Europese Commissie schrapt plan tegen pesticiden in landbouw
