European Championships: A new summer fairy tale in Munich

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Status: 08/22/2022 10:08 a.m

After a week and a half of the European Championships 2022, one thing is certain: Germany can still host major sporting events, and a festival of joy developed in Munich that delighted athletes, fans and politicians. Despite the success, the latter is much more cautious about a possible application for the Olympics than before the Multi-EM.

By Johannes Kirchmeier, Munich

The slalom run on Munich’s Olympiaberg on the way to the BMX riders’ interview zone was a bit reminiscent of the one on a beach much further south at this time of year. Hundreds of people lay on the dry grass in front of the athletes’ ramps, others distributed large picnic blankets close by, brought the whole family along with some household items and nibbled tomatoes or licked an ice cream under the bright summer sun of Munich.

Of course, they also provided the appropriate cheering atmosphere, while the cycling elite on the stage in front of them whirled through the air with spectacular tricks. The next day it was no different when climbing at Königsplatz. There, too, people stood close together, clapped and sang like at a music festival – some of them had blankets with them and sat on them.

“EM of Picnic Blankets” in Munich

The European Championships 2022 in Munich could be as the “EM on Picnic Blankets” go down in sports history, they were a celebration for everyone, a family event in the middle of the Bavarian summer holidays. This time, the residents of Munich and the newcomers did not vacation on balconies or on Lake Garda – but at home in the Olympic Park. During these week and a half, many people ran across the sports facilities with broad grins, and the mood was mutually infectious.

“Family come in here with their small children. I’ve seen women breastfeed and diaper babies.”said Marion Schöne, Managing Director of the Munich Olympic Park, on the final day: “I said: If we keep doing this, maybe babies will be born here.” She laughed because she, too, draws a satisfied conclusion after the multi-EM in nine sports.

Lovely: “This spirit will live on here”

More than 1.2 million visitors came to the competitions by Sunday, and entry was free for some of the decisions – such as the BMX, triathlon or mountain bike competitions on the Olympiaberg. This has attracted families and groups. “I think a lot will remain, not just memories of that time”said beautiful: “We have created another summer fairy tale after 2006. And this spirit will live on here.”

Even on the rainy Saturday, the penultimate day of the competition, 9,000 people watched the mountain biking, 200,000 watched the road bike race through Upper Bavaria to the Odeonsplatz six days earlier. That showed: The interest is there – and the organization is right. Germany can still host major sporting events.

Atmospheric beach volleyball and climbing arenas on Königsplatz

Schöne could also get over the fact that in the end the target of 450,000 tickets sold could not be reached, it will probably be 400,000. The majority of the spectators were at the athletics, but the decisions in beach volleyball and climbing in the smaller, atmospheric arenas on Königsplatz, in the track bike at the Munich Exhibition Center and in gymnastics in the Olympic Hall were sold out.

The sports festival also wanted to combine sport, culture and music. This was successful insofar as all age groups suddenly cavorted at the Wanda or Classical concerts, although not all of them were quite sure of the text or the rhythm.

The Olympic Park is full right at the opening ceremony

The rapper Marteria performed on the opening night – and it wasn’t as crowded as then. 55,000 spectators cavorted in the park, but not everyone was able to enjoy the concert, access to the stage by the lake was blocked due to overcrowding. But the guests populated the Olympiaberg.

The athletes also took note of these images. “The police may not have been happy because they had to cordon off”said gymnast Elisabeth Seitz, European champion on the uneven bars in Munich: “But we were happy because we saw that the European Championships are here and the people are rushing in.”

The European Championships opened in front of tens of thousands of visitors in the Munich Olympic Park.

Germany at the top in the medal table

There was already a party crowd and the people infected the athletes with their smiles, their constant clapping and cheers in all arenas. Of course, the German athletes were often the loudest. “The atmosphere is incredibly inspiring. It’s unbelievable how the audience really accelerates here.”said the beach volleyball player Clemens Wickler, who explicitly wanted to have a say for the climbers on Königsplatz: “I think it’s the case with all sports that Munich accepts it really well and supports the athletes.”

Presumably this help from the ranks and the highlight of the European Championships at home also gave the athletes a boost. In the medal table, Team Germany greets them from the top. Most associations therefore draw satisfied conclusions, only the sports rowing and beach volleyball, which are actually accustomed to success, left a weak impression from a German point of view.

Gymnast Kim Bui ends her career – and becomes a television viewer

Gymnast Kim Bui, who ended her career in Munich, also thought so “What has been achieved here is sensational. I couldn’t have imagined the end of my career being any better. We were carried away by this euphoria.” For the first team European Championship bronze ever.

Even after she left, the television at home was on until the evening. This wasn’t just one “normal” Home EM, that was a piece “Mini Olympia”, as the athletes so often said. Because of this analogy and the atmosphere, the event brought back memories of the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, the last in Germany. Which started a debate about a new Olympic application after seven failed attempts.

Munich would reach its limits at the Olympics

In Munich itself, however, this would reach its limits, Schöne revealed. The nine sports at the European Championships were a perfect match, but the Olympics offer three times more sports and teams such as football, handball and hockey would expect many more participants.

I don’t know if the number Olympic Games is still a bit too big.

Karla Borger, beach volleyball player

The Olympics would be many times more expensive

In addition, the event cost 130 million euros, 100 million euros came from the city, state and federal government. The Olympics would be many times more expensive, plus there is the fear of gigantism, commerce and contracts that shift the financial risks onto the venues. It is not without reason that there is general skepticism about the IOC in the country, which probably has to be separated from the mood at the European Championships 2022. And like Munich, other major cities would still lack the infrastructure.

“I don’t know if the Olympic Games number is still a bit too big”, said the athlete spokeswoman and beach volleyball player Karla Borger. According to State Secretary Mahmut Özdemir from the Federal Ministry of the Interior responsible for sports, there is an exchange with the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), the government is open to an application, he did not give any details on Sunday.

Sustainability in Munich impressed

Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) advocates another attempt. “It’s actually high time that summer or winter games were held in Germany again.” In any case, the country could only apply for winter 2030 or summer 2036. In view of the criticism of other organizers with regard to ecological sins or the human rights situation, Germany must set a good example, Herrmann believes.

In fact, what was impressive about the Multi-EM in Munich was that, unlike at the increasingly gigantic and expensive Olympic Games, the old sports facilities were used again. After all, the picnic blankets were laid out in the parking areas laid out a little more than 50 years ago. And because the trees have had so much time to grow, the park now looks like it’s only just finished.

Medal winners plant flowers

All medal winners at the European Championships also received a plant in addition to their precious metal. It is bee and butterfly friendly, is used in the so-called “Champions Garden” planted in the Olympic Park and should remain there for years.

On the other hand, even more is possible in terms of sustainability when you consider that the spectators in the Olympic Stadium had to add their mustard from a shrink-wrapped pack.

In addition to the Olympiapark guests, the championships also became a TV event and were watched all over Europe. “Perhaps we managed to awaken a European spirit a bit. That we show what we stand for: democratic values ​​and cosmopolitanism.”hopes Schöne.

Further sports events are planned in Germany

This should set the tone for other major events in the republic. After all, Munich 2022 – even if there are no Olympic Games in Germany in the near future – is only the prelude to further major sporting events in Germany.

The Biathlon World Cup 2023 in Oberhof, the Special Olympics in Berlin 2023, the Handball and Soccer European Championships 2024 or the Universiade 2025 will follow. The organizers now know where to get information if they “Games for Everyone” want to align.
