Europe cannot regulate the global climate by sea. ‘A little step ahead’

“This is a small step,” said the EU Commissioner and Vice President of Commissioner Frans Timmermans on the issue of COP27. “The veel partijen zijn nu not bereid om sea before going to the boeken in the strijd tegen de klimaatcrisis.”

The EU will lose the diplomacy from the top. The previous week will be al duidelijk dat Brussel het global klimaat not more can regulate, either letterlijk (in the COP-Eindtekst) as figure (op vlak van geopolitieke power).

A coalition of 134 poor countries will be delayed for a year from the EU and the VS will break the bill for a climate damage fund. The army would like to land, the nu de gevolgen dragen van de historic uitstoot van industriële broeikasgassen. The coalitie will be sorry for Pakistan, because along the way large amounts of land masses will overflow.

Belgian climate adviser Jean-Pascal van Ypersele (UCL) noemt het Schadfonds een “zeer positieve uitkomst” voor de kwetsbare landen, al waarschuwt hij wel dat de belofte geen lege doos mag blijven. “We present vast amounts of the commitments that will be developed in Copenhagen in 2009, but in 2020 the annual amount of 100 million dollars in the future will not be respected. We would then like to say that the new damage fund has been worded.” De EU and de VS have been announced as net betalers. Both spoil dat also China meebetaalt.

The EU slaagde he also rivet in om fossil fuels destroyed the af te shells. Tijdens teamed up for the top of the weekend for the most part even more than has been said about the status quo of Glasgow in the previous year. That was overeengekomen om grandson stone in inefficient subsidies voor fossil fuels with te fibres.

For oil and gas producers end up in Saudi-Arabia in Russia, but also in large factories in China, there were differences between the products and the consumption of all fossil fuels and the Schroeven. In the document, the Egyptian Voorzitterschap is also no longer a boodschap smokkeld dat zelfs ‘lage emissie’-energie deel mag uitmaken van ‘s werelds antwoord op weerextremen. Volgens Egypte valt also aardgas nog hier aufder – net nu Caïro hung on to money by the Europese Investeringsbank om gasvelden te developed in the Middellandse Zee for export to the EU.

Also Van Ypersele is concerned about the demand of the author. “Waar blijft de actie die in verhouding staat tot de in vele toespraken aangekaarte urgentie?”, zegt hij. “Als de mensheid haar some woonst bewoonbaar wil houden moet ze veel meer doen om de doelstelling van maximaal anderhalve graad Celsius opwarming na te leven.”
