Europarlementsleden must smartphones laten controleren op spyware na two geïnfecteerde toestellen | Buitenland

The opproep is paid both to the parliamentary committee and to the medewerkers. From the two geïnfecteerde toestellen he hears one toe from one Europarlementslid.

Het German Europarlementslid Hannah Neumann is not locked in the spyware that is discovered. “As a rule of thumb, the use of spyware continues to be a major security risk in Europe,” says Zegt. Neumann’s own hair is checked on a regular basis by his own phone, but he never has his own hair.

In the subcommissie Defense in Veiligheid we work with Tom Vandenkendelaere (CD&V) in Belgium. Filip De Man (Vlaams Belang) and Assita Kanko (N-VA) are serving.
