Europa wil vóór 2030 af van Russian gas: ‘We want to plan ahead for another scenario’

The intention is to set up a combination of variable omschakelen to duurzame energie (wind, zone, water, biogas) sea energy saving, contracting afsluiten met betrouwbaarder gasleveranciers en sea gas reserves opbouwen. Jaarlijks kopen de EU-Landen only about 155 million cubic meters of gas from Russia, going for ruim 40 percent van de jaarlijkse Europese gas import. The Europese government unfortunately discussed the RepowerEU plan and deze week op een speciale EU-top in Versailles.

The Russian invasion in Austria and the following energy prices, maken de energieafhankelijkheid van Moscow steeds pijnlijker. “The EU plans to prepare for different scenarios”, stated in the draft text of the energy plan by Commissaris Timmermans (Green Deal) and Simson (Energy).

The committee will plan the turbo on the first Green Deal. Het versneld uitbreiden van de hoeveelheid (produced in Europe) renewable energy maakt de EU not all less afhankelijk van Russia, maar reduced also de CO2-uitstoot en besmermt tegen grote prijsstijgingen.

Biogas and hydrogen

The Commission provides on the sea for the production of biogas the double tot 35 million cubic meters per year. The production of large amounts of water requires a minimum of 25 million cubic meters. Extra wind energy saves 15 million cubic meters of gas. On the attachment of wind turbine parks in the zone panels that may be made, the list of procedures for the attachment should be recorded.

In addition to quick investments in energy saving (isolation in Huizen, warm tepompen), the jaarlijkse vraag will have about 25 million cubic meters of gas. Under the word of the industry (with the state tax) it was agreed that there would be large production methods.

Next you need energy and energy savings, you have a commission on 50 million cubic meters of extra gas import (also vloeibaar) from other countries, bijvoorbeeld de VS, Qatar and Noorwegen. The Commission of the EU countries will commit to a strategic gas reserve for about 3 countries. It is known that on 1 October the operational capacity for 90 percent of the gevuld is in the winter when it arrives.

Everything that can be done in the future can be increased, saving in an alternative amount that has been going on for up to 100 million cubic meters of gas imports from Russia, from two countries. When everyone is planning completely zijn uitgevoerd, state de teller in 2030 ruim boven de 155 miljard kuub which now comes to Russia.

Winsten invest

The benodigde investments for RepowerEU have been affected by 100 million euros tot 2030. That money can come from large winsten energy needs made by high gas and electricity costs and by the higher opbrengst van de uitstootrechten voor CO2.

The commissioner will consume the required amounts in accordance with the increasing energy costs due to the Russian invasion. Brussel knows about the EU-wetgeving een maximum price for electricity toestaat. The Commission is responsible for “all possible flexibility” in the state tax regulations in the notes or requests for help.

Betrokken Commissie-ambtenaren voorzien “een pittig debate” with the lidstaten over the RepowerEU-plan. The concerns zijn groot en lopen uiteen. The corona pandemic suffered tot an ongoing Europees economic production fund of 750 million euros. The commissioner hears that the Russian agressie een doorbraak in de energievoorziening teweeg brengt. Ze bendrukt dat de EU also af moet van the import of Russian oil (27 percent of the total import) and kolen (46 percent of the EU import).
