Europa League: Eintracht-West Ham, clash between supporters, 30 arrests and two injured

New incidents are feared in the hours immediately preceding the start of the Europa League match

Tension is very high in Frankfurt a few hours after the kick-off of the match between Eintracht and West Ham (Europa League second leg semi-final). After the damage caused last night by the most violent fringes of the Hammers fans, the German city was the scene of a fierce brawl this afternoon between groups of ultras of the two teams near the train station.

The story

After a few minutes, the police were able to intervene and quell the clashes. Thirty arrested (from both sides), two West Ham supporters had the worst: their injuries were serious and, unconscious, they were hospitalized. The incidents between the two fans are not, however, new. Even before the first leg in England (2-1 for Eintracht), there were clashes and brawls on the streets of London.
