Europa League: Bayer Leverkusen prevents debacle in Bergamo – football – sport

A successful start that shocked the home side. Leverkusen controlled the game until Rafael Tolói put Italy in danger for the first time (20′) with a warning shot, albeit too central, at the Bayer goal saved by Lukas Hrádecký.

Bergamo double after Bayer lost the ball

Shortly afterwards, two turnovers in midfield were fatal for Leverkusen, which the home side used in less than two minutes to score twice. First the Ukrainian international Ruslan Malinovskiy equalized after a one-two with Luis Muriel (23′), and a little later he returned the favor to his strike partner with the assist to make it 2-1 (25′).

The Italians remained the more dangerous until the break teambut either missed the goal or failed to hit Hrádecký, who seemed unperturbed by the double strike.

Atalanta starts furiously

After the change of sides, the hosts remained in offensive mode and once again showed Bayer their defensive limits with their Malinovskyi/Muriel strike duo. As with the second goal, it was the Ukrainian who served the Colombian – to 3: 1 (49th).

There wasn’t much to see of the guests at the front and they started to swim again and again at the back. In the 58th minute it was again thanks to Hrádecký that the game didn’t get completely out of control early on. He blocked Muriel’s third goal with a foot save.

Goal out of the blue

Shortly thereafter, the Dutchman took Hans Hateboer Measure, took place in the Bayerkeepers however, his master (60th). Moussa Diaby demonstrated that chances can be used more efficiently with the completely surprising goal to make it 2:3. The Atalanta defense didn’t look very solid in the scene, but Diaby also did everything right when he left two Italians on the edge of the area and Juan Musso didn’t give Musso a chance with his low left shot into the left corner (63′).

If you had to worry just before that there would be more Bergamo goals, but now there were many indications of a passable first-leg result. In the end it was enough for that. In a final phase that was no longer quite as turbulent and fast-paced, there were no more goals. So in the end there is a defeat with just one goal, which gives the Leverkusen team every chance of reaching the quarter-finals in the second leg in front of their own audience Europe League to make clear

The second leg in Leverkusen will be played next Thursday (6.45 p.m.).
