Euroleague, the future of Milan: here is the plan to return to the Final Four

After the elimination with Efes, Milan already has a plan to return to the big names in Europe

“We were competitive, we will try again next year”: is the promise of Ettore Messina after the farewell to Europe in game-4 against Efes. Which means playoff goal and the Final Four as a great goal to win back. But what will Milan be like that will try to give back the assault on the Euroleague?


Already there is talk of new faces, in a jumble of real and presumed rumors (many). Certainly Milan moved with great anticipation on the playmaker front. Because here we are talking about a top player: Kevin Pangos, 29, amazing last season with Zenit, a brief passage to Cleveland and then the signing at CSKA before the outbreak of the war. The play is under contract with the Russians until 2024 and therefore the ball is still in the hands of the Red Army which now seems less inclined to dismantle, pending events. From here, however, the very advanced state of negotiations between Pangos and Olimpia bounces, so if the player were to leave Russia he would play in Milan. It is also looking for new life in the long sector. The hot name is that of Brandon Davies, expiring with Barcelona. The renewal with the Catalans seems complex and Milan is in pressure. However, the player’s priority remains Barcelona, ​​but the Milanese sirens by now do not leave anyone indifferent, not even the top players. Moral: if it is not Barça it is Milan, in a negotiation, however, still to be set up. Davies, with his flexibility, would cover the role of Mitoglou, creating with Melli a pair of high profile longs, which can be spent on two roles. The Johannes Voigtmann slope, another CSKA defender, offered to half of Europe, is more secluded.

The big ones

The restart, however, passes above all from what the house already offers. Many big names are due: Hines, Rodriguez, Delaney and Datome. The club intends to focus heavily on confirmations. The Melli-Hines couple seems to be the starting point of the new course. Sir Kyle is getting closer and closer to yes: Messina considers him fundamental not only on the pitch and the four-time European champion intends to continue at least another year. He will converge that will soon be endorsed by the papers. The Chacho will decide the future only at the end of the season: it will be more a choice of life than of the field. Here too the impression is always the same: Milan or nothing, and the club pushes for reconfirmation. Melli, Hines, Rodriguez and Pangos: here is the poker of veterans to stay at the top in Europe. The former Zenit will occupy the box left empty by Malcolm Delaney, intent on sifting continents much less wearing basketball. Inside the foreign package are the other 4 faces that are due to expire: Bentil, Tarczewski, Kell and Troy Daniels, all to be evaluated with no bowls, while Grant has also contracted for next year, like the untouchable Hall and Shields.


The other big Italian, Gigi Datome, is also expiring. The idea of ​​the club is to sit around a table to find an agreement. The economic question will obviously have its weight, but Olimpia intends to confirm the entire blockade of Italians, starting with Gigi. Baldasso, Alviti and Ricci have a guaranteed contract also for next year and Biligha, which is due to expire, should also be confirmed. With Melli there are 6 in all. The goal is then to insert another one. All the tracks lead to Stefano Tonut, who had already been tested last summer (Olimpia was willing to pay a buyout exceeding the € 200,000 expected this year). The Venice guard at the end of the season has an exit for a Euroleague team and many clubs knocking on his door: Valencia and Partizan (if they enter the queen competition), Vitoria and above all Fenerbahce, but everything will depend on Djordjevic’s stay and Gherardini. Milan, at the moment, plays in pursuit, but does not give up.
