Euro zakt for het first in 20 years tot ware van 1 dollar: ‘Europe is lagging behind’

“The amount of money in the euro is all there is to it,” says financial expert Pascal Paepen. “Last year in my stonden we still op 1.22 euros per dollar, in January it was dat al 1.13 en nu dus op 1.” The last of these is for papers in a right-hand tree followed by the door log in Oekraïne. Because of this, Europe is facing economic instability and an energy crisis. Zo is de gasprijs in Europe are doubled at the beginning of June.

“Voordien we hadn’t seen the figuurlijke oorlog van de Brexit in a longer time than the eurocrisis,” says Paepen. “Neem daar nog enkele dissidenten bij zoals Poland of Hongarije of het gebrek aan Europese eenheid of innovations and al deze factors maken van Europa een unstable continent. Met a daling van de euro killed.”

Grass larger on the edge

On the other edge of the Atlantic Ocean there are economic reasons and packages better, on the other side of the United States there are fewer financial means of Russian gas. Also, the American labor market is now being monitored, read from the main job report of the American work market that was published last week. “Where there are moeilijk hebben om vacatures in the full, there is a problem in the VS, the labor market is much more flexible”, Aldus Paepen.

Because of this, it is also known that the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Federal Reserve are insulted, because the Americas are subject to warnings about the value of the euro. The Federal Reserve is veel aggressive in het verhogen van de Rente (al with 150 basis points) dan de ECB (pas op 21 July with only 25 basis points). The higher pension works on a return basis for the VS, next to the more stable economic and geopolitical situation.

‘Europe is te stroef’

“Ook de Amerikaanse beurs doet het al jaren beter dan de Europese”, says Paepen. “When he is then a little beursjaar, so as that year, doen de Amerikaanse aandelen het not bad dan de Europese. Ze stijgen dus harder en vallen less strong terug.”

“In vergelijking met de Verenigde Statesn, maar ook Azië, Europa lags achterop. When we didn’t meet the VS – toch also a country met overheated records – then it was problematic. Europe urgently needs to have a euro-project, a work done by other people, a job deal, a pension deal, an innovation deal and a special deal. Momentel gaat het here nog te stroef.”

Duurdere basic materials

A small euro is good news for the European market. Door de algemene most economic can Europe not rivet from the boost in de export to the VS. The kwam he de voorbije twintig jaar altijd bij een zwakkere euro, omdat Europese products dan relatief goedkoop zijn voor Amerikaanse klanten.

Integendeel: a stronger dollar betekent nu zelfs dat basic materials such as soya of olie – the international altijd in dollars have been negotiated – only relatively duurder been. “Wij kopen gas en olie, the anyway al hoog staan, en nu moeten we extra betalen door de daling van de euro”, aldus Paepen. “So we’ve been badly hit. Other basic materials have also been added, so we almost always want to import them.”

As the effect of a stronger dollar is now considered, the Europese tourist is the deze zomer near the VS trekt. The rice is now only available for the scientific effect of 20 percent during that year. “De koopkracht van de Belg op internationaal vlak gaat erop achteruit”, concludes Paepen. Omgekeerd, for the American tourist in Europe is het feest. With zijn dollars kan hij in Europa nu veel meer kopen dan een jaar gegeden.
