EU tightens crackdown on China at WTO

BRUSSELS (dpa-AFX) – In the dispute with China, the EU is tightening action against the country at the World Trade Organization (WTO). According to its own statements, the EU Commission requested the establishment of two arbitration courts at the WTO on Wednesday. The background is, on the one hand, China’s attempts to prevent European companies from enforcing their patent rights and, on the other hand, trade restrictions that Beijing issued after a diplomatic dispute against the EU country Lithuania.

“In both cases, the Chinese measures are damaging European companies to a great extent,” the EU Commission said. It is in the economic and strategic interest of the EU for the measures to be lifted.

The competent WTO dispute settlement body is now to deal with the EU applications on December 20th. China can oppose the establishment of the so-called panels. In this case, the applications would be renewed and the arbitral tribunals would be set up at the end of January 2023, the EU Commission announced. The proceedings of the arbitral tribunals could then last up to one and a half years. The EU Commission initiated the WTO proceedings in both cases at the beginning of the year./wim/DP/stk
