EU threatens “consequences” for Serbia and Kosovo if violence continues | Abroad

The European Union is threatening punitive measures against Serbia and Kosovo over the recent outbreak of violence in northern Kosovo. “If they fail to de-escalate tensions, it will have negative consequences,” the EU said in a press release on Saturday.

LOOK. 25 peacekeepers injured in riots in Kosovo

The press release, distributed by the High Representative of European Foreign Policy Josep Borrell, does not clarify what “decisive measures” the EU has in mind. The financial support that the countries receive as EU candidate countries could be cut, or cooperation could be limited.

The violence could have been avoided and should be avoided in the future. Among other things, the EU calls on Serbia and Kosovo to stop the “dividing rhetoric”.

In the north of Kosovo, heavy clashes erupted on Monday between Serb demonstrators and the international KFOR peacekeeping force. Thirty soldiers were wounded. Serbia reported dozens injured among demonstrators demanding the resignation of Albanian mayors.

Borrell had already called for an immediate de-escalation a few days ago, after calling Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Kosovo used to be a province of Serbia, but declared its independence in 2008. Serbia has never recognized that independence. About 120,000 Serbs live in Kosovo, while the remaining 1.8 million are mainly Albanians.

Why is the situation in Kosovo escalating? Old wounds, hate propaganda, political opportunism and even tennis player Novak Djokovic gets involved (+)
