EU scraps all Japanse invoerbeperkingen sinds core ramp in 2011 | landlocked

The Europese Unie schrapt al haar invorerbeperkingen op Japanse voedingswaren which were ingesteld at the core ramp in Fukushima in 2011. That was the European commissioner Ursula von der Leyen’s statement that the EU-Japan top was made in Brussels, in response to Japan’s prime minister, Fumio Kishida.

According to the commission, the maatregelen have been opgeheven omdat de controles op Japanse productsen de afgelopen jaren steeds uitwijzen dat he geen radioactief besmettingsgevaar is. The EU legde de import van voedingswaren en diervoeder uit Japan kort na de ramp stil. Sindia are regulated in same works with de Japanse overheid controles uitgevoerd. Are September 2021 golden in the Beperkingen avenues still for wild paddenstoelen, summery Vissoorten and wilde eetbare plants.

The ramp of Fukushima on March 11, 2011 was followed by a tsunami and a subsequent tsunami. He has a nuclear melting plate in smaller units of the central core.

In Brussels from the Thursday for the 29e keer een EU-Japan top plaats. The 27 EU rules and regulations are published by Charles Michel. The EU and Japan are not overeengekomen more te gaan samenwerken op vele terreinen, van klimaatandering tot economic Zekerheid.
