EU plans sanctions against Zakharova, Shoigu, Vaino and Shuvalov

The European Union plans to introduce its own sanctions against the Russians. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) listed those under them after the recognition of Luhansk and Donetsk people’s republics should fall. In total, there are 24 people on the preliminary sanctions list, which is being discussed in the EU.

AND among them the Minister of Russian Defense of Russia Sergei Shoigu, head of the Kremlin administration Anton Vaino, official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova and VEB.RF Chairman Igor Shuvalov. Under the sanctions, according to the publication, will fall and “Internet Research Agency” Yevgeny Prigozhin. In 2016, this agency in the United States was already suspected of nothing less than interference in the presidential elections in the United States. After that, the Internet Research Agency and a number of its employees came under US sanctions. In particular, they were denied entry to the United States, and their hypothetical accounts in American banks may be frozen.

The press service of the Concord company has already stated that the sanctions will not affect Prigozhin’s business in any way, since “Yevgeny Viktorovich has no assets abroad. As for investment projects in the domestic market, this, Concord said, is an alarming signal.

Earlier, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, threatened 351 Russian State Duma deputies and 27 other Russians with stopping shopping trips to Milan and parties in St. Tropez. Later, he deleted this frivolous post from his page.

In addition, the EU ambassadors extended the sanctions imposed on former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and six of his associates. These sanctions were introduced on March 5, 2014 after the February coup in Ukraine, which led to the Maidan. Viktor Yanukovych, who was assassinated in Kiev, fled through the Crimea to Russia.

For four of them, participants in the sanctions list, including Yanukovych himself and his son Alexander, the sanctions are extended for 6 months, for three – for a year.

In addition to Viktor and Alexander Yanukovych, the European sanctions list includes the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Vitaliy Zakharchenko, his deputy Viktor Ratushnyak, the ex-prosecutor of Ukraine Viktor Pshonka and his son Artem, Serhiy Kurchenko, and the Ukrainian ex-minister of fees and revenues Oleksandr Klymenko.
