EU migration pact: Poland and Hungary continue to obstruct, negotiations broken off

The leaders of the European Union broke off negotiations in Brussels on Friday morning on the theme of migration. This is reported by international news agencies. The talks were halted after objections from Poland and Hungary. Both countries do not agree with the plan to divide refugees arriving in Europe among the 27 member states. The EU decided to do so earlier this month.

A major point of discussion is the reception of asylum seekers at Europe’s external borders and a fair distribution of people who want to apply for asylum across the Member States. Implementation of the so-called migration pact does not require unanimity, but only a simple majority. Poland and Hungary believe that the agreements have been pushed through. The two countries are demanding a revision of the summit’s final statement. Other member states did not agree. Negotiations are expected to resume on Friday morning.

Prior to the EU meeting, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stated that he does not intend to accept the European Union’s rules on migration. Any plan that would force countries to take in refugees could count on a Polish resistance.

“Enforce Compliance”

According to Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the obstruction of the two countries does not have to mean anything for the implementation of agreements. They remain intact, he says to the ANP news agency. And if they do not comply with the agreements, the European Commission “has the means to enforce compliance,” said Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo spoke to the AP news agency of a “rather difficult” discussion when he left the negotiations. “There are two options. Either we continue, or we give up and say there will be no summit statement, nothing,” said De Croo.
