EU increases humanitarian aid for people in Ukraine

BRUSSELS (dpa-AFX) – The EU is increasing humanitarian aid for people affected by the war in Ukraine by a further 110 million euros. The approach of winter poses additional challenges for already suffering population groups, the EU Commission said on Tuesday. The fresh money could be used to finance food, accommodation and health care, for example. Cash assistance and psychosocial support are also possible.

The new commitments increase the amount of EU funding made available since the start of the Russian invasion to a total of 843 million euros. Of this, 58 million euros will also be used to support Ukrainian refugees in Moldova.

In addition to the humanitarian aid, 84 additional power generators will also be made available, according to the Commission. They are intended to ensure that a minimum supply is guaranteed following possible Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. The Brussels authority announced that a total of more than 5,000 generators had already been delivered./aha/DP/mis
