EU has 3,000 Oekraïense zieken en wonden opgevangen | Buitenland

Europe’s population will be lifted via a European evacuation program in the middle of the world and 3,000 European patients will be available in Russia in February 2022. The European Commissie has already met the customer at the moment in Brussels that the discussion is about extra European aid money for the Oekraïne.

“Zoals we steeds zijn blijven zeggen, kunnen Oekraïne en zijn inwoners rekenen op de hulp van de Europese Unie zolang als dat nodig is”, zei Eurocommissaris Stella Kyriakides (Gezondheid) maandag over de cijfers over de ruim 3,000 opgevangen zieken.

We are now testing the effects of the EU countries in Brussels with all the powers that be in the wind for the help of the Ukraine. Hongarije ligt dwars en bruikte op de EU-top van December zijn vetorecht om tegen de ophoging te stemmen van de Europese meerjarenbegroting voor hulp aan Oekraïne. Over two weeks it is an extra EU top that can be tested. The EU countries also hope that they will receive extra help from the Ukraine.

The other hulpprojecten voor Oekraïne zoals de ziekenevacuatie blijven which gewoon doorgaan. The evacuation is carried out via an EU ramp fund, which has been transferred from the Lidstaten to the other countries. Through the project, medical patients were first brought to a medical post in Rzeszów in Poland and delivered to the public in the Netherlands.

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