EU countries agree in principle with defense mission in Red Sea | Israel-Palestine conflict

The mission is intended to protect trading ships in the Red Sea against attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels. It has been clear for some time that the mission will happen. The federal government decided last Friday that our country will join. In the short term the intention is to deploy liaison officers, in the slightly longer term the frigate Louise-Marie will be sent to the scene.

LOOK. Belgium joins European mission against Houthis

The EU countries have now given the green light in principle, Borrell said on Monday evening. “Not a single country said it would oppose it. Maybe some Member States will not participate, but that does not mean they are against it.”

The Union must now determine what the mission’s precise mission will be and which country will take the lead. This must be put into so-called ‘rules of engagement’ and legal texts, which must be formally approved.

The intention is that the mission can start when the foreign ministers meet again. That meeting is scheduled for February 19.
