EU agrees to largest ever package of sanctions against Russia

The European Union unanimously adopted new sanctions against Russia, said Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer. He acknowledged that these restrictions would hurt Europe itself.

“But this pain that we will suffer economically is nothing compared to the pain that the Ukrainian people are now experiencing in war and terror,” Nehammer said.

The chancellor said that 70% of Russian banks would fall under the sanctions, as well as restrictions imposed against the aviation and space industries, shipbuilding and transport, the agency writes. TASS.

Previously, the United Kingdom imposed sanctions against Russian banks. And on February 25, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom Boris Johnson called on the Northern European and Baltic countries to increase assistance to Ukraine and increase pressure on the Russian Federation.

On February 24, Russia launched a military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine. The Russian military is delivering high-precision strikes against the country’s military facilities. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation emphasizes that nothing threatens Ukrainian cities.
